How to Uninstall Flash in Windows on Linuxįor Linux, uninstalling Flash depends on how the software was installed. Run the uninstaller and the Flash software will be removed.
To uninstall these plug-ins, go to Adobe website and download the plug-in uninstaller. There are two Flash plug-ins for Mac OS X: PPAPI plug-in for Chromium and Opera as well as NPAPI plug-in for Firefox and Safari.
Look for any Flash plug-ins, and uninstall all that begins with 'Adobe Flash Player.' How to Uninstall Flash in Windows on Mac OS X To uninstall Flash, go to the Control Panel and view the installed programs list.
Currently, there are three Flash player plug-ins for Windows: NPAPI plug-in for Firefox, ActiveX plug-in for Internet Explorer, and PPAPI plug-in for Chromium and Opera.